non-profit cultural association

design culture collective
who, why, what
At the roots of the non-profit cultural association Design Culture Collective APS is the desire to reaffirm, foster, promote and divulge the culture and the value of the design practice.The founding team is primarily Italian, but our ambition is to reach out to and involve colleagues and stakeholders at the European and international level.We see design as a practice rooted in history and presenting multiple complexities, always dedicated to enhancing the interaction between the human being and its surroundings.We dislike the habit - all too common - of using the term “design” to indicate the most superficial aspects of a product, service or experience, because it diminishes all the other components of the design process, especially the fundamental research and analysis efforts that precede and accompany it.We are aware that there is a lot of confusion amongst the public and in general, as so many things “are design” and its practice is applied to many scopes, from the more visible and famous - as in fashion, interior, or industrial design - to the less intuitive ones, like sound design, lighting design, or the more recent travel design.All are encompassed by a creative process which is the result of research, experience, and vision and which stems from a void - a need, an opportunity, a desire - and reaches a result - tangible or not - that, when well executed, never fails to fully be at service of the person.We believe in the principle of inclusivity, and in the value that it provides. And we believe that we need to better observe and listen, as only awareness can produce positive changes.We value diversity, multiculturalism, and approaches rooted in plurality.
And we want to learn, understand, divulge, and foster the different traditions of the practice available in all cultures.Ethics, and a heightened attention to the implications tied to the practice of design, are fundamental to us: we are fully aware of the great power of design, and of its impact.For all these reasons, as a socially committed non profit cultural association, we place education at the basis of our work.We will work to divulge and foster the culture and the value of the design practice, both towards those who “use” design - possibly without a real understanding of its importance and potential - as well as its practitioners, with variable levels of awareness, passing through the fundamental role of design educators.
next steps
The association was founded at the end of January 2022 and we expect to start operations by mid-March 2023. The next steps will see us focused on on-boarding members, partners, and sponsors who share our vision and our mission and are willing to support our work.First goals: strengthen the operative team; create an online space to work and gather; define the program for the next three years; plan for upcoming educational and promotional events; explore fundraising opportunities and partnerships; establish thematic boards (ethics and inclusivity, to start); organizing - in a safe and sustainable - an IRL event to see, count, and celebrate each other.
Whether you are designers or not, if you find value in our mission and if you feel like supporting our work, this is the time!To become a member, please write: membership (at) designculturecollective.orgTo become a sponsor member, please write: sponsorship (at)
wall of gratitude
Extra grateful for these people, companies, realities for their support! We see you and we thank you for seeing us!
Technical Partner & Sponsor
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